The Undergraduate Fellowship Office (UFO) has had another exciting year of supporting highly motivated undergraduate students and recent Ohio State graduates in their pursuit of competitive fellowships! We are proud to announce many awardees, finalists, and nominees for awards that offer transformative opportunities.

The incredible group of students listed below represent the College of Arts and Science, College of Engineering, Fisher College of Business, College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences, John Glenn College of Public Affairs, College of Pharmacy, and College of Medicine. On campus, they are Morrill Scholars, Undergraduate Student Government representatives, Buckeye Leadership Follows, Honors and Scholars students, first generation college students, Stamps Eminence Scholars, Land Grant Opportunity Scholars, and more. And their aspirations include advanced degrees such as MDs, PhDs, and JDs as well as careers in national security, diplomacy, environmental law, politics, education, medicine, data analytics, and more. From rising juniors to recent graduates, these Buckeyes will undoubtedly continue to make Ohio State proud.
Reflecting on the 2023-2024 school year, program manager of competitive fellowships Janet Schroeder commented on the academic and professional ambitions of Ohio State students. Schroeder stated, “Our students continue to astonish me. In my role in the Undergraduate Fellowship Office, I often work with students for three to six months working on a single application. I enjoy witnessing their process of crafting essays that capture salient aspects of their past, present, and future, and I see the ways reflective practices help them articulate their goals with nuance and strengthen their resolve. Whether the students who passed through UFO this year won the awards they applied to or not, I remain inspired by them and confident that they will impact their communities in the future.”
As the 2023-2024 school year comes to an end, we celebrate the following students for their accomplishments:
- Cat Adams, Udall Scholarship, nominee
- Neema Adley, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, awardee; Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program, nominee
- Sunny Agrawal, University of Southern California Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE), recipient
- Jay Anderson, Goldwater Scholarship, nominee
- Ose Arheghan, Rhodes Scholarship, semi-finalist; Marshall Scholarship, nominee
- Patrick Arp, Summer Undergraduate Mentored Research Program (SUMR) at University of Pennsylvania, recipient; Summer Research Early Identification Program (SR-EIP) at Brown University, recipient
- Angelina, Atieh, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, awardee
- Maxine Berger, DAAD-Research Institute in Science and Engineering, alternate
- Isaiah Boateng, Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program, nominee
- Meg Brosneck, Beinecke Scholarship, nominee
- Jack Brunswick, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, semi-finalist
- Benjamin Burns, Goldwater Scholarship, nominee
- Sophia Buskirk, Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program, nominee
- Alice Cai, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, alternate
- Diewo Camara, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, awardee
- Larkin Cleland, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, awardee
- Washington Cole, Princeton in Africa, nominee
- Dasha Crocker, Goldwater Scholarship, nominee
- Lauren Dahler, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, semi-finalist
- Julia Davies, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, awardee
- Lakaya Deegan, Udall Scholarship, nominee
- Nick DeGroff, DAAD-Research Institute in Science and Engineering, recipient
- Hodan Deria, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, semi-finalist
- Maria Fiorta, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, semi-finalist
- Lauren Gastineau, Mitchell Scholarship, nominee
- Katarina Guy, Fulbright United Kingdom Summer Institute, recipient
- Luke Hawes, Udall Scholarship, nominee
- Emily Johnson, Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program, nominee
- David Jordan, Rhodes Scholarship, nominee; Marshall Scholarship, nominee
- Chris Kalman, Udall Scholarship, nominee
- Mariam Khan, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, semi-finalist
- Noah Kingston, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, alternate
- Rita Kret, DAAD-Research Institute in Science and Engineering, recipient
- Vishal Kumar, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, awardee
- Abigail Longstreth, Rhodes Scholarship, nominee; Marshall Scholarship, nominee; Mitchell Scholarship, nominee
- Devi Dheekshita Nelakurti, Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program, nominee
- Madelyn MacMurray, Gaither Junior Fellowship, semi-finalist
- Sarah Male, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, alternate
- Olivia Marrero, Udall Scholarship, nominee
- Hunter Maxfield, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, awardee
- Madison Meixner, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, awardee; Princeton in Africa, nominee; Princeton in Latin America, awardee
- Harry Miller, Rhodes Scholarship, semi-finalist; Marshall Scholarship, alternate
- Adelaide Mykel, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, awardee
- Ryan O’Donnell, Marshall Scholarship, nominee; Mitchell Scholarship, nominee
- Nana Ama Ossei-Wusu, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, awardee
- Gabriella Quirch, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, semi-finalist
- Sanjana Ranade, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, awardee
- Darian Rostam, Truman Scholarship, nominee
- Dalal Shalash, Princeton in Africa, nominee
- Leah Salit, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, semi-finalist
- Emma Sandu, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, alternate
- Ryan Schuetter, Schwarzman Scholars, semi-finalist
- Ilayda Sen, Mitchell Scholarship, nominee; Churchill Scholarship, nominee
- Jaideep Seth, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, semi-finalist; Marshall Scholarship, nominee
- Rachel Simroth, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, alternate; Gaither Junior Fellowship, nominee
- Josie Stewart, Truman Scholarship, nominee
- Gwendolyn Stamper, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, awardee
- Ashley Tarrant, Astronaut Scholarship, nominee
- Anitvir Taunque, Truman Scholarship, awardee; Astronaut Scholarship, nominee
- Collin Trissel, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, awardee
- Isabelle Warren, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, awardee
- Clovis Westlund, Truman Scholarship, nominee
- Jack White, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, semi-finalist
- John Wright, Goldwater Scholarship, nominee
To earn their nominations or awards, the students listed above worked with staff in the Undergraduate Fellowship Office. Students attended information sessions, drafted application essays, compiled resumes, and sought letters of recommendation from mentors on and off campus. In dialogue with UFO staff, students completed numerous rounds of revisions to their materials and eventually submitted their competitive national application packets. In some instances, students ultimately won the awards they were seeking. But all students, whether they earned the award or not, grew through the application process as they articulated the impact they hope to have on the world, using the skills and knowledge they have and seeking those that they need.
Please join us in celebrating these students. Follow us on Instagram, visit our website, or email us at for more information about UFO programming and for profiles of many of our awardees!