Office of Academic Enrichment

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Additional Opportunities

Many other national award opportunities are available. A list of some of the most well-known awards is provided below (please note that this list is NOT comprehensive).

Students may apply for all of these awards directly and do not need to seek nomination from Ohio State. The Undergraduate Fellowship Office may be able to provide some assistance with these awards on a case-by-case basis—contact us for information.

These additional opportunities are loosely grouped into area of interest for your convenience.

Multiple Fields

DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst)
Various awards for study, research, and internships in Germany

Deadlines: vary based on award

FAO Schwarz Fellowship 
Paid, intensive, transformational two-year experience in the world of social impact with leading non-profit organizations in New York City, Boston, and Philadelphia.

Killam Undergraduate Fellowships for Americans
Undergraduate funding for U.S. students to undertake one semester or a full academic year of study as an exchange student in Canada.

Princeton in Africa
Paid fellowships with organizations in Africa; placements and terms vary. 

Princeton in Asia
Paid fellowships with organizations in Asia; placements and terms vary. 

Princeton in Latin America
Paid fellowships with organizations in Latin America; placements and terms vary.

RAY Fellowship Program
Paid, two-year fellowship that aims to increase and facilitate conservation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy-related career pathways for emerging leaders of color. 

Samvid Scholars
Graduate fellowship empowering mission-driven students to drive transformative change for society through leadership development, financial support, and a community of like-minded peers.

Soros Fellowships for New Americans
Graduate funding in all fields for students who are 1st- or 2nd- generation Americans 

Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

See all fields.


Opportunities for non-U.S. citizens

Chevening ScholarshipOne-year funded postgraduate study in the United Kingdom for students of non-British citizenry and from selected countries in any field of study.

Davis-Putter Scholarship FundNeed-based grants (up to $15,000) to students actively working for peace and justice on campus and/or in the community.

Elie Wiesel Prize in Ethics: Essay contest for full-time juniors and seniors. Requires a faculty advisor. Prizes range from $1000 - $10,000.

Mayo Clinic Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship: 10-week Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship experience for second and third year undergraduates wanting to build their skills as young scientists in biology and medical fields.

Non-U.S. citizens are also eligible for the following fellowships: DAAD-RISE (must be enrolled in a U.S. university), Gaither Junior Fellows Program at The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (must be eligible to work in the U.S.), Gates Cambridge (citizens of any country outside of the UK), Knight-Hennessy Scholars, Princeton in Africa, Princeton in Asia, Rhodes Scholarship, the Samuel Huntington Public Service Award, Schwarzman Scholars, Soros Fellowships for New Americans (must have completed high school and college in the U.S.), and Yenching Scholars.

*If you are a DACA student or undocumented student, please email for more info about fellowships you are eligible for.

Public Service and/or International Focus

New York City Urban Fellows Program
Highly selective, nine-month fellowship which combines work in Mayoral offices and City agencies with volunteer service opportunities and a seminar series that explores current urban issues impacting public policy.

AIF Banyan Impact Fellowship 
Year-long, interdisciplinary experiential learning program that places young professionals from India and the U.S. in service with development organizations in India.

Humanity in Action Fellowships in Europe
Intensive, five-week summer programs focused on the history of discrimination and resistance, democracy, and minority rights in Europe; open to undergraduates and recent graduates. 

Samuel Huntington Public Service Award
Stipend for graduating seniors to pursue a public service project anywhere in the world.

Public Policy & International Affairs (PPIA) Fellowship
Open to juniors, fellows attend a summer institute and receive funding for graduate school focusing on public policy and international affairs.

The Voyager Scholarship
For students entering their junior year of college and who plan careers in public service; provides up to $50,000 in financial aid, $10,000 stipend for a summer work-travel experience between junior and senior year, additional travel support post-graduation, and annual summit with other Voyager Scholars.

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Fields

Hertz Foundation Fellowship
Funding towards PhDs in the applied physical, biological, and engineering sciences. See U.S. Government Sponsored Opportunities below for more STEM-related fellowships.

Amgen Scholars Program
Paid, summer research opportunities in the U.S. for undergraduates in biological, chemical or medical sciences. See U.S. Government Sponsored Opportunities below for more STEM-related fellowships.

Quad Fellowship
Fellowship designed to build ties among the next generation of scientists and technologists that offers a stipend for academic expenses and networking opportunities with individuals dedicated to advancing innovation and research for positive social impact. Open to exceptional master's and doctoral students in science and technology who demonstrate academic excellence, exceptional results in their field, and a desire to use their talents to promote collective good.

Teaching Opportunities

Austrian Government English Teaching Assistantship Program
Paid positions teaching English and sharing U.S. culture in Austrian secondary schools for recent graduates with German language skills

English Program in Korea (EPIK)
Paid, year-long opportunity to teach English in Korea. 

French Ministry of Education Teaching Assistant Program
Seven-month, paid English teaching positions in France and Francophone countries; must have proficiency in French

James Madison Graduate Fellowship
Awards 50 fellowships annually to graduating seniors pursuing careers teaching American history, American government, or social studies at the secondary level (grades 7-12) and funds a Master of Education, Master of Arts in Teaching, or a Master of Arts in American history or political science.

Japan Exchange and Teaching Program
Paid, year-long opportunity to teach English in Japan; must be proficient in Japanese. 

North American Language and Culture Assistants in Spain
Paid positions teaching English and sharing U.S. culture in Spain, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education; must have bachelor's degree by start of assignment and be proficient in Spanish language

Knowles Teaching Fellowships
Support for recent graduates aspiring to teach science, technology, or mathematics​ at the secondary school level

U.S. Government Sponsored Opportunities

Dept. of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (CSGF)
Funding for graduate school in fields that utilize high performance computing to solve complex problems in science and engineering

Dept. of Energy Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship (SSGF)
Funding for graduate school in fields related to stewardship science, such as high energy density physics, nuclear science, or materials under extreme conditions and hydrodynamics. 

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Summer Internship Program
Ten-week summer research experiences for undergraduates majoring in DHS-related science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines

Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship
Scholarship includes tuition assistance for two years of full-time study and a 10-week, full-time paid internship at a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration facility during the summer.

NIH Oxford & Cambridge Biomedical Sciences Program
Funding for students pursuing a DPhil in biomedical sciences at Oxford or Cambridge; students will receive an Oxford or Cambridge degree, but split their time between the UK and the NIH in Maryland

NIH-University Partnership Programs
Funding for graduate school in the biomedical sciences (PhD), via joint programs with numerous universities and the National Institute of Health

Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship 
Funded by the U.S. Department of State, provides financial support for two years of study and seeks to increase diversity of the workforce within the Foreign Service. Undergraduate and Graduate Fellowships available.

Rangel International Affairs Programs
Funded by the U.S. Department of State, provides financial support for two years of study and seeks to increase diversity of the workforce within the Foreign Service. Undergraduate and Graduate Fellowships available.

Science, Mathematics, & Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship
Sponsored by the Department of Defense, the award provides funding, internships, and post-graduate employment for both undergraduate and graduate students in STEM fields.​​​