The Churchill Scholarship program fulfills Winston Churchill’s vision for deepening the US-UK relationship by advancing science and technology and therefore ensuring prosperity and security on both sides of the Atlantic. Churchill Scholarships fund one year of graduate study in engineering, mathematics and the sciences at the University of Cambridge. 18 scholarships are awarded annually, and scholars are selected primarily on their academic and research achievements. During their time at Cambridge, Churchill Scholars participate in public engagement training and science policy seminars. Ohio State may nominate up to two candidates for this award.

- Be a U.S. citizen;
- Be enrolled at Ohio State and due to graduate during the same academic year as the deadline OR be a student who has graduated within the past 12 months before the deadline;
- Hold a bachelor’s degree at the time of taking up your Churchill Scholarship year.
Selection Criteria
Churchill Scholarship selection criteria include:
- Outstanding academic achievement, particularly in STEM coursework
- Proven talent in research, including independent, creative, and original work
- Outstanding personal qualities that include interesting “jagged edges”
Application Materials
Completed online application form
- 1-page proposed program of study essay
- 2-page academic and research history
- Transcript (by national application deadline)
- Correspondence with a potential lab supervisor in Churchill College (if applicable)
- Four academic letters of recommendation
- Application to University of Cambridge with Churchill College as your first-choice college (if selected as Ohio State nominee)
Application Procedure
Campus Application Deadline – September 1, 2024
Campus Application Process
Because the university is required to nominate candidates for this opportunity, there is an internal application process. Please contact the Undergraduate Fellowship Office at fellowships@osu.edu to express your interest and begin your online application.
Please complete the online application form and send a list of your references (include name, organization, title, and in what capacity you know them) to fellowships@osu.edu by 5 pm on the campus deadline. After a review of applications, we will contact all applicants to announce the campus nominee. From that point, Undergraduate Fellowship Office staff will work with nominee to revise materials in advance of the national deadline.
National Application Deadline – November 1, 2024
All application materials must be submitted to fellowships@osu.edu in advance of the national deadline. Undergraduate Fellowship Office staff will communicate about deadlines with nominee.
Past Churchill Scholars
- 2015-2016 - Alexis Crockett
- 2015-2016 - Henry Tran
- 2014-2015 - Jonathan Timcheck
- 2011-2012 - Marc Khoury
- 2010-2011 - Tyler Merz
- 1966-1967 - Lawrence Bigler Jr.