The Astronaut Scholarship program awards approximately sixty scholarships annually to sophomores and juniors representing the brightest and most talented college students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Competitive applicants must have a strong GPA, significant research experience(s), and the intention to pursue a PhD and research career. Recipients receive a $15,000 scholarship to help fund their undergraduate tuition and life-long membership to the Foundation, providing them mentorship and other networking opportunities to help advance their careers.
Ohio State may nominate two students to apply for Astronaut Scholarships. To be considered for campus nomination, a student's research mentor must nominate them via e-mail to fellowships@osu.edu. Students nominated by professors will be given instructions on how to apply for campus nomination.

- U.S citizen (native born or naturalized)
- Full-time sophomore or junior (1-2 years of study remaining after applying)
- Strong GPA (3.8 or higher recommended)
- Intend to pursue a research career in a natural science, mathematics or engineering.
- Must be a full-time student during both semesters of Astronaut Scholarship Foundation support (junior or senior year)
- Must have conducted a considerable amount of work outside the classroom in their chosen field of study. This may include laboratory research, cooperative education, internships, relevant military experience, entrepreneurial endeavors, and/or documented independent work resulting in technical papers, patents, or similar work product
Selection Criteria
Astronaut Scholarship selection criteria include:
- Display of creativity and ability to move into unknown territory
- Potential, ability, and drive to do research, develop new ideas, pursue inventions, and pursue innovative technologies
- Exhibition of motivation, imagination, and exceptional performance in their field of academics and/or research
- Conveyance of intellectual daring and a genuine desire to positively change the world around them, from both, or either, within the classroom or in their community
- Recognized as a leader through their activities on campus or in the community
Application Materials
- A completed application form (To receive a copy of the form and begin an application, please email fellowships@osu.edu.)
- A 1 pg. personal statement detailing research experience, accomplishments/activities in STEM, and your career aspirations
- 1 - 2 pg. CV or resume
- 2 letters of recommendation from STEM research advisors and/or professors emailed directly to fellowships@osu.edu
- Academic transcripts
Application Procedure
Campus Application Deadline – February 26, 2024
Campus Application Process
Because the university is required to nominate candidates for this opportunity, there is an internal application process. For support on your application, reach out to fellowships@osu.edu at any time while the applications are open.
Please submit all of the materials listed above, including letters of recommendation, to fellowships@osu.edu by 5 pm on the campus deadline. After a review of applications, we will contact all applicants to announce the campus nominee. From that point, Undergraduate Fellowship Office staff will work with nominee to revise materials in advance of the national deadline.
National Application Deadline – March 2024
All application materials must be submitted to fellowships@osu.edu in advance of the national deadline. Undergraduate Fellowship Office staff will communicate about deadlines with nominee.
Past Astronaut Scholars
- 2023-2024 - Ashley Tarrant
- 2022-2023 - Harrison Blake
- 2021-2022 - Rakesh Murugesan
- 2020-2021 - Mitchell Ticoras
- 2019-2020 - Daniel Lesman
- 2018-2019 - Thomas Porter
- 2017-2018 - Riley Mullins
- 2016-2017 - Maya Gostztyla
- 2016-2017 - Scott Garner
- 2015-2016 - Ross Vasko
- 2014-2015 - Jillian Yuricich